Monday, October 21, 2013


I have decided that at the current time I am going to have to be in a hiatus mode for now, you may message me on FL if you'd like. But there's no guarantee I will reply other than to people who I have because here lately I haven't been much of myself. I've been really busy and stressed a lot. I will come back as soon as I can however.I love you all dearly, just right now I cannot post challenges until I get my mind straight.


Love- Miss Krissy

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week three. Punishment. And a challenge.

Ladies. Last week. Only 2 of y'all actually did last weeks challenge. So this week you will be punished. You must wear at least 1 article of women's clothing every day this week no matter where you go, it can be jeans, under garments, shirts. Whatever. But it must be noticeable by the public and possibly embarrassing. 

As for your challenge, when you go to the store this week get woman's body care things. Such as facial scrubs and hand lotions, women's shampoo and conditioner, and women's body wash. This will make your hair and skin feel more lady like. Plus soft smooth skin is always better then rough skin(:  So have fun with this and make sure everything smells wonderful 


Miss Krissy

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Challenge of the week,, Week 2!!

Week one was a major success!! Thank you all who participated and did your assignment of the week! They were all fabulous and truly shows how unique you all are because everyone had different style choices, most of the outfits I would honestly love to wear myself![:

Anyway! This week your assignment is to write me an essay on what cross dressing/being trans  means to you. JUST KIDDING!! I don't have time to read a lot of essays and I'm sure you would rather not write one, now if you'd like to email me a little bit for suggestions of things I should do with the blog or anything of that nature be my guest!

Okay seriously though, this weeks assignment is to put on your best outfit and take photos, nothing of a sexual nature, like real outfits you'd wear in public, Do a photo-shoot type of day, just some fun with the camera. And if you have the ability to, fix your hair really nice, make your wig look amazing, and if possible, do some makeup! [: I expect at least 5 - 7 pictures, after you send them to me, if you're comfortable with it, then on Wednesday night, I will make a post with everyone's best picture. Also, don't take just bathroom pictures, and if possible get a friend to take the pictures for you so you can pose really good.

   Miss Krissy

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Be True to yourself

Now this is an advice column, not just for challenges, so today's advice.

You're beautiful and amazing no matter what other people tell you. Weather you're dressed up or not, kind hearts is where beauty comes from, its not only skin deep.

Dress up every day and look in a mirror and remind yourself that you are beautiful if you need to. It will boost your confidence, also try to find friends who are also into the drag/CD scene or and trans or anything, these are the people who will build you up and encourage you. They just might help you get the nerve to go out in public dressed. and AT LEAST dress up and go out for halloween this year, noone will even expect you to be a legit dresser, its just "Halloween fun" this will help you prepare to go out dressed for real eventually![:

    Miss Krissy

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week one. An introduction to the site.

Hello and welcome to "Help for my girls" the number one blog for new cross dressers, long time cross dressers, androgenous boys, trans girls, and anything else to that nature! My purpose of this blog is to help you become more confident in yourself, define your "look", give advice, and have fun while doing it!
I plan on giving weekly assignments, which you will email me, I will read each and everyone, and give you feedback. Some of these will be physical challenges, while others will be things you can do via the internet. Don't worry, no essays or math![: 

And so I don't get lazy, first assignment starts now, you have between now September 12, 2013, and  next Thursday September 19, 2013, to send me your assignment to my email, which is

The assignment is to do some online shopping, find an outfit, not an already pre-designed outfit, go find a top, bottoms (can be a skirt or jeans or whatever you like), and some shoes. DON'T buy anything though unless you just really want to! Send me links of your clothing articles, and I will view each one personally and email you a critique back and suggestions for accessories and things to go along with them. This is what I always have the ladies that I give advice to do for the first assignment. It gets your brain to think about what kind of clothes you would actually like to wear. Plus it gives me a sense of the type of clothes you like, tells me about your personality, and makes it easier for me to have something to go by when I'm trying to find outfits for you later on. Everyone is different, so everyone has their own style preferences. The purpose of this blog is to help you find out what makes you happy, while looking beautiful at the same time.

xoxo, Miss Krissy